How to calculate Modification Times of Hive Tables

If you use external tables in hive or use methods other than Hive’s LOAD DATA to feed data to hive tables, you should be interested in how recent is your data.

Here’s a nifty little ruby snippet that allows you to get that using webhdfs

irb> require 'webhdfs'

irb> client ='hadoop-nn', 50070)

irb> fl = client.list('/user/hive/warehouse/database.db/tablename/')

irb> DateTime.strptime(fl.collect {|x| x['modificationTime']}.max.to_s, '%M')

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Setting up Camus - LinkedIn’s Kafka to HDFS pipeline

Few days ago I started tinkering with Camus to evaluate its use for dumping raw data from Kafka=>HDFS. This blog post will cover my experience and first impressions with setting up a Camus pipeline. Overall I found Camus was easy to... Continue →