How to calculate Modification Times of Hive Tables

If you use external tables in hive or use methods other than Hive’s LOAD DATA to feed data to hive tables, you should be interested in how recent is your data.

Here’s a nifty little ruby snippet that allows you to get that using webhdfs

irb> require 'webhdfs'

irb> client ='hadoop-nn', 50070)

irb> fl = client.list('/user/hive/warehouse/database.db/tablename/')

irb> DateTime.strptime(fl.collect {|x| x['modificationTime']}.max.to_s, '%M')

Now read this

Basic Monitoring for Hadoop Data Nodes

Here’s a basic monitoring script to monitor the HDFS cluster disk space, Temp Dir space and number of data nodes up. This was plenty useful before we switched to Cloudera Manager. #!/usr/bin/env ruby # Checks Hadoop and alerts if there... Continue →