Few Thoughts about Learning

It is funny how we have so much information available to us but nobody teaches us how to learn. In college, I struggled with processing vast amounts of information. I would read an article/paper/concept and comprehend only some part of it. I’d later feel guilty for not knowing the rest. Looking back my biggest mistake was learning Java by reading a book. I remember being haplessly confused and dumbfounded as I read books that contained lines and lines of programs. As time went by I became more open to the idea if partially understanding a next without worrying too much about wholly understanding it. With large amounts the challenge is that you hit a sentence containing concepts or words of which you have no prior understanding.

Students should be taught in the early years of their life on how to read complex texts without having to worry about comprehending everything. This will reduce a whole lot of anxiety around learning.

Another major problem while learning is long sentences. Nobody uses long sentences in business because they are hard to understand in one read. All texts should strive to do the same.


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Two Very Useful Hive CLI settings

It is very helpful to set these in your .hiverc file. The hive cli reads from the .hiverc file in your home directory to override defaults. Two of the settings I find very important is set hive.cli.print.header=true; set... Continue →